About us
People Behind is a non-profit organization that aims to keep people 65+ active.
It was founded in 2017 by two friends, Maria Asteriou and Maria Iliopoulou.
The springboard has been the personal experiences they both had:
the older members of their families, after retirement, were left “disarmed”
in front of the TV, with no properly organized and high-standard
alternatives for activation and socialization, struggling to live
in a society that excludes older people from the modern world.
Very soon Maria & Maria realized that the problem they were facing in their families, was -actually- a global challenge.
While the demograpic change increases the percentage of older people
across Europe, still the world is not made for all ages,
Both society and the state do not promote integration and equal treatment.
Older people remain inactive, unable to share their knowledge,
skills and experience.
People Behind works towards a societiy for all ages,
following the EU directions goals for Healthy and Active Aging.
Together with our beneficiaries we create a world of greater solidarity and cooperation between generations, a world that does not discriminate or consider older people as "second class",
but offers equal opportunities to all.
A world where no one is left behind.
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